About DPPM

The Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) is a work unit at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang whose task is to develop research activities and community service activities.


The entire academic community (lecturers and students) is responsible for carrying out these two dharmas in addition to carrying out their main duties in educational and teaching activities.


Since the main resource is in the faculty / study program, DPPM develops and implements its activities in coordination with the faculty / study program, related laboratories, and study centers. As a carrying capacity in carrying out its duties and functions, DPPM is supported by personnel, systems, and facilities and infrastructure that support the implementation of research activities, the application and development of science and technology, and community service activities.


DPPM collaborates with outside parties in research and community service activities, including (but not limited to): government, industry and the business world, as well as specific communities both domestically and abroad.



Directorate of Research and Community Service, University of Muhammadiyah Malang as a leading center for research, application and development of science, technology and art in order to uphold Islamic and scientific values for the benefit of society.




In 2026 the Directorate of Research and Community Service, University of Muhammadiyah Malang produces research outputs for the application and development of science and technology and social innovation that support the achievement of an internationally accredited campus.




1. Develop research activities, the application of science and technology, and community development for the UMM academic community

2. Build and develop cooperation with various parties, both nationally and internationally in research activities, application and development of science and technology, and community development.

3. Downstreaming the results of research and development of science and technology in government, society and the industrial world.

4. Encourage the dissemination of research results, application and development of science and technology for the welfare and benefit of the community.




In general, the objectives of DPPM are: realizing developing research activities, implementing and developing and updating science and technology, as well as empowering the community for the prosperity of the community at large.


In particular, the objectives of the DPPM are as follows:

1. Improving the quality of the academic community in research activities, community service, application and development of science, technology and art.

2. Increase the participation of the academic community in research activities, community service, application and development of science, technology and art.

3. Develop the output of research activities, community service application and development of science and technology that have a more positive impact on academic development and wider stakeholders.

4. Develop study centers within the University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

5. Develop cooperation with various parties (universities and various institutions) in research activities, community development and the application of science and technology.

6. Develop a documentation and information system for research, application and development of science and technology within the University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

About DPPM