Dear Chief of Research/Community Service Institute
(list attached)
All the researchers of Competitive Grant Research who have finished conducting research must present research result on “National Seminar of Competitive Grant Research” as one of scientific responsibility. The seminar will be held on:
Day/date : Tuesday, June 21, 2011 (check-in from 12.00 WIB) to
Wednesday, June 22, 2011 (check out from 12.00 WIB)
Site : Oval Hotel
Jl. Dipongoro No. 23
Phone (031) 5679815
Opening : Tuesday, June 21, 2009 from 14.00 WIB
Therefore, we would like to ask you to inform the following names about the seminar. The requirements are:
1. Filling form of willingness (attached) and please send the form back as soon as possible to fax number (021) 5731846 or (021) 57946085.
2. Finishing contract of Competitiveness Grant Research
3. Willling to follow all seminar activities
4. Bringing softcopy presentation material (in flashdisk or CD)
5. Bringing product if possible (size is not too big) and poster of research result sized 70 cm (wide) x 70 cm (height) based on the provided standing poster size (ultra light).
6. The committee will bear the travel cost according to round-trip ticket with boarding pass based on the date of event and the provision
7. Bringing back SPPD signed by the authorities (for participants from outside Surabaya)
8. The committee provides accomodation and meal during the event
Thank you.
Director of Research and Community Service,
Suryo Hapsoro Tri Utomo
NIP. 19560901 198503 1 003
File Attachment:
- Seminar Invitation on HB Result 2011 in Surabaya
- Attachment Surabaya
- Willingness Statement Surabaya