Number : E.5.b/035/DPPM-UMM/A/II/2012 Pebruary 11 2012
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Concer : Announcement
Dear : All the lecturers at the UMM
Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
Since there has been no guidebook for Research and Community Service of Dikti 2012, all the UMM lecturers are encouraged to prepare proposals while waiting for the publication of the guidebook, Buku VIII, from Dikti.
Deadline for the proposals is the end of March 2012.
Thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.
Director of DPPM
Prof. Dr. Bambang Widagdo, MM.
1. Rector (as a report)
2. Vice Rector I, II & III
3. Deans
4. Chief of Departments/Study Programs