Monday, March 29, 2010 12:56 WIB   Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang


         The main cause of damage to the ideal composition of the atmosphere that trigger global warming is happening carbon emissions (CO2, CH4, CFCs, sulfur, etc.) into the atmosphere. Gas methane (CH4) has a greenhouse effect 21 times greater than CO2, which is 14% to 25% of that emitted by organic waste. Clean Development Mechanisms (Clean Development Mechanism - CDM) is one of the mechanisms that update the Kyoto Protocol in Bali through the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), and the last Conference Copenhagen, in order to tackle global warming. Through the CDM is a developing country could make carbon emission reduction programs that have (Certified Emission Reduction - CER) monetary value and can be traded.
              Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang determined to take an active role in the response to Global Warming or Climate Change. CENTER FOR ENERGY, ENVERONMENT, and REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CEERD) at UMM established to better planned activities organized and focused on overcoming the problem of energy, waste, environment and global warming countermeasures. CEERD activities include Research and Development, Capacity Building, Consulting Services, Raising Partnership with the stake holders
    Menyusul kesuksesan 3 tahun kerjasama, dilaksanakan Penandatangan MoU antara Rektor Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang dengan BGP Engginer yang mewakili para pihak (UNESCO-IHE, TNO and Afvalzorg) dari Belanda untuk 2 tahun ke depan.  Penandatanganan MoU dilaksanakan pada tanggal 6 Juni 2006 bertempat di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.
              BGP is a neighborhood project development company formed to promote development through the realization of sustainable environmental programs, social projects and investments. BGP has the expertise and markets in developing countries, commodities, technology, and doing various projects in Indonesia, including projects to capture greenhouse gases, sustainable forest management, develop alternative fuels and technologies.
               With the cooperation conducted CEERD The UMM and expand its role in environmental management by encouraging students and professionals. UMM party and also acts as a catalyst for the exchange and disseminate knowledge in the field.

MoU and between BGP and UMM Engineer include: Technology and Management of solid waste. Completion of curriculum SWM (Solid waste management) for students involved in the handling of the environment so that knowledge of the environment more. Increased capacity (courses) for professionals of the sector Waste Management Indonesia. Procurement of congress or workshops in the field of waste processing. adaptation of new technologies that focus on the areas of bio-fuel technology, catch of greenhouse gases. Collaboration formation of regular educational structure. Collaboration for organization of international conferences on Climate Change in Malang.
Parties UMM, BGP and CEERD also added their best programs that promote development and Indonesia's position as a leading player in the global market for environmental assets. Examples of mini-hydro technology, Jatropha Oil, biomass / biogas projects and compost waste.
MoU and between BGP and UMM Engineer include: Technology and Management of solid waste. Curriculum Penyepurnaan SWM (Solid waste management) for students involved in the handling of the environment so that knowledge of the environment more. Increased capacity (courses) for professionals of the sector Waste Management Indonesia. Procurement of congress or workshops in the field of waste processing. adaptation of new technologies that focus on the areas of bio-fuel technology, catch of greenhouse gases. Collaboration formation of regular educational structure. Collaboration for organization of international conferences on Climate Change in Malang.
Parties UMM, BGP and CEERD also added their best programs that promote development and Indonesia's position as a leading player in the global market for environmental assets. Examples of mini-hydro technology, Jatropha Oil, biomass / biogas projects and compost waste.
