The MOU for the restoration of Subak as a world heritage has been signed by the UMM Chancellor and the Regent of Tabanan Bali (Thursday 8/6/2023). In fact, according to Deputy Director I DPPM Dr. Vina Salviana D.S., M.Si. Currently eight community service proposals have been prepared for Subak. The proposal is being processed through the service scheme at UMM. Research related to Subak is still very open.
Subak's world heritage is not a building. Subak is a stretch of agricultural land as a typical irrigation system (culture) in Bali. If this system is not maintained, it will become extinct due to the construction of housing, hotels and the work orientation of young people.
"Our first strategy is to conduct case study research for all fields," explained Prof. Dr., Ir., Indah Prihartini, M.P. That's why the team handles it from many fields. There are social, cultural, tourism, technical and economic fields. There must be agriculture because it is related to agriculture. There are also matters related to human resources, in this case psychology.
"We will create a holistic program. "Later we will try to develop clusters," he explained. So Subak will be made into one complete cluster. So far, it has actually existed, but separately. Later it will synergize with villages, BUMDES. Then we will also synergize downstream. Even Prof. Dr., Ir., Indah Prihartini, M.P confirmed that he would synergize with various parties so that Subak products could enter the world market.
"So it's not the Indonesian market anymore, the target is the world market," he stressed. They have made a tagline for their subak. "Subak-workshop for Indonesia, subak-workshop for the world." So we will create a subak and it will be presented at an international event in Bali, namely, "Water Forum". As part of the Community Development Mobilization Professor (P3M) program, UMM wants this program to gain international recognition. "This is best practice," he said.
The initial program carried out, especially in the agricultural sector, is currently developing organic farming. So we improve land fertility, improve plant productivity, control pests and diseases organically, then strengthen institutions, strengthen human resources, strengthen downstreaming, marketing and so on. So it's holistic, so friends from all the faculties can enter there according to what we call it. Working together to advance how Subak can truly become a food center and economic center.